iOS 7's HTML5 is full of bugs

Apple iOS 7 is afflicted with HTML5 faults are related to the web SQL database, home screen widgets movements and animations. An HTML5 developer Maximiliano Firtman and the popular author of programming books has discussed about these bugs in his blogs. The founder of web development Michael Mullany, and vendor Sencha has affirmed Firtman that there is problem in apple HTML5 execution.

There are a number of bugs and broken features found in the SVG and JavaScript which is clearly shown that this release as a beta. 

Normally, we are very excited about the latest release of iOS but the first time ever we are highly disappointed by the implementation of iOS software.

After this bugs and broken features it clearly mark the statement as a beta while nowhere as bad as the Android 3 –All the time of broken web releases – we endorses that organization standardized on HTML5 development hold off the upgradation until an IOS fix with these disputes.

Firtman says: that this bug is reported from the developers end and it might take the three month to resolve it.

Firtman has discussed this Web SQL permissions is not working correctly while he trying to expand the database size more than 5 MB. Once we compared to the previous version, the limit was 500MB. 

Another issue with that the Firtman discussed is to save the home screen icons of web pages so that use can use it easily as if it’s the app. The portion after the domain name is unnoticed in the web address URI, the web app cannot invoke any function Once the URI opened.