Xcode 5 makes better, faster, stronger iOS and OS X apps

After the release of IOS7 for the mobile devices, an apple has also launched its Xcode suite development tools. Xcode is now in version5, contains a compiler, killer and a source code level debugger, code analyzer, stimulator and etc., all managed by an IDE. The improvement which has done in the Xcode 5 grant to write the better application for iOS and OSX that are faster and have fewer bugs.

The changes which you will noticed in the Xcode is that you will see the minor tweaks like you can view the smaller toolbar to give more screen real estate to the editor. The changes are basically done in the Xcode 5 under the cover.

In the OS X apps Garbage Collection (GC) is deplored. You should use (ARC) Automatic Reference Counting.ARC is more probable patterns of code implementation. In fact Xcode itself was formerly a GC app, but with the recent launch it now uses ARC. The result is that numbers of X code operations such as search, nib files compilation, and incremental builds are much faster as fast as in Xcode 4.

The IDE is using the latest elements mechanism to speed up code assembling and linking. Elements are Similar to comply all the header files in that plethora of API Calls, class properties and constants found in the lengthy header files are purified in to symbolic info. But in Xcode 5 this information is enhanced and searchable symbols database.